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Find your balance in fitness and in life

What is your primary fitness goal?


About Encompass Fitness


Encompass Fitness has a multifaceted approach on health and wellbeing, and it is a conduit to share my passions with you.

Living your best life isn't always about eating all the healthiest foods, exercising everyday, and living an entirely sustainable lifestyle.

Your best life is found in the messy, the complicated, and the endeavor towards balance.

Encompass Fitness is not only about fitness, it is about living a life that encompasses health in all regards, in the balanced way that works for you.





Tessa Irvin




Kripalu Yoga Instructor, 200 hr. RYT

Buti Yoga Instructor

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

• Sports Conditioning Specialist

• Functional Fitness Specialist

Pilates Instructor


I have a lot of interests and hobbies... maybe bordering too many. At the age I was thinking about going to college, I had no idea what I wanted. No one passion held my interest strongly enough to run with it to see where it led. So instead, I tried running with a few.


After high school, I obtained my RYT 200hr from Kripalu Center of Yoga & Health in Massachusetts. While there, I applied to attend an intensive photography course at Rocky Mountain School of Photography in Montana. It was here that I began to grow into my passions and learn how to make money doing them. But after being landlocked for a couple years, I knew I needed a change. I wanted to combine my passions for the ocean and photography, so I became a NAUI Dive Master in Belgium where I trained with a focus on underwater photography.

As beautiful as the North Sea is to dive, the water was a bit too cold for my liking and so I found myself moving to Curaçao, where I worked as an underwater photographer and videographer. It was also there that I serendipitously met my husband. In 2016, I moved in with him in Louisiana, where I became certified as a NAUI Dive Instructor, acquired my ACE Personal Trainer Certification & Buti Yoga Certification.


In 2018 I got married, and we dove into our shared passion of travel by embarking on a 15 month honeymoon around the world. Together we explored 17 countries, their myriad of cultures and witnessed so much beauty hand in hand with hard life realities. After all my nomad-ing around, I learned the important lesson that some passions can and are meant to be combined to fulfill a greater purpose. With Encompass Fitness, I am able to combine my experiences and passions to assist clients as they find balance in health and fitness in their lives. Join me in a class today!





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